First and foremost, we are an A. A. group.
What is A. A.?

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women
who share their experience, strength and hope with each other
that they may solve their common problem
and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership;
we are selfsupporting through our own contributions.
A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution;
does not wish to engage in any controversy,
neither endorses nor opposes any causes.
Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Copyright The AA Grapevine, Inc. Reprinted with permission

Now that you know what AA is, you can get to know our specific group.
There are literally thousands of AA groups worldwide supporting our primary purpose.
Our specific goal is to help new people understand what AA is and is not.
"We meet frequently so that newcomers can find the fellowship they seek." AA., page 15.

Why a beginners group?
Well, so many people come to AA for the first time and don't really get the big picture
of what our fellowship and program is designed for.

First of all, we have book called Alcoholics Anonymous.
It is the basic text on the matter of recovery from alcoholism.

Secondly, inside that book, there are specific instructions,
a program of actions, which when followed, will offer
a life happy, joyous, and free from the alcoholic insanity.

Thridly, there is a fellowship which meets to discuss issues and support one another.

Some people may think it is a place that courts sentence people to for drunk driving offenses.
As a fellowship, we collectively cooperate with professionals in our community, but we are not directly affiliated with them.

What does that mean?

Well, it simply means we hold open our door for new people in case they may want what we have to offer,
which is a way to stop drinking. As stated in our preamble, ...

..."the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking."

Now here's more about the AA Beginners Group

We started off as a direct response to a packet available at our General Service Office.
It is called "Suggestions for Leading Beginners Meetings."
There are 6 Topics suggested inside that publication among specifics on how to set up your own group.

Topic #1
How to Stay Away From One Drink One Day at a Time

Topic #2
Alcoholism, the Disease

Topic #3
How It Works: The Twelve Steps Suggested as a Program of Recovery

Topic #4
The Twelve Traditions: What We Learn From A.A. Mistakes

Topic #5
A.A. in Print: Service To Others

Topic #6
Other Factors in A.A. Recovery

From these topics, we conduct a Beginners Meeting to bring information to new people
and perhaps get them a jumpstart on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Typically in these meetings we cover the first 3 steps.

People who are interested in continuing on with our group and the remaining steps
are invited to participate in our 12 Step Workshops.
In these 12 Step workshops, we go deeper into the 12 Steps as explained in our basic text,
Alcoholics Anonymous. These workshops usually last about 6 hours.

Once completed, a very new person will obtain the elemental concepts of
practicing all 12 steps. All of this is documented and full citations of sources within the text.
Members can perhaps highlight their books and use the information to help others.

The main goal is to 'Pass It On.' That helps us to remain sober.

So, if you have read this far and feel that you may benefit from our efforts
feel free to join us in a Zoom Meeting, Workshop, or even email correspondence.